Dog nutrition plays an essential role in your pup’s health and well-being. And while it’s easy to assume that the same diet that works for you should also work well for your furry friend, this isn’t necessarily true! Some of the most common dog nutrition myths may be doing more harm than good to your pup, so it’s important to dispel them once and for all if you want to have a healthy dog through proper diet and nutrition.


How Much Do Dogs Eat?

Dogs are mostly meat-eaters. While they need some fruits and vegetables, their basic nutritional needs are best met by dog food formulated for their diet. How much a dog should eat varies depending on its size and metabolism. But generally, a small dog (under 20 pounds) requires about one cup of food per day, while a medium-sized one (20-40 pounds) eats two cups daily. Large dogs (over 40 pounds) consume three cups of food each day. To prevent obesity and excessive calories from being consumed, it’s recommended that you adjust your dog’s meals as it grows older or as its activity level changes.


Dog Breeds and Their Nutritional Needs

While each dog is unique, all dogs are omnivores and have similar nutritional needs. Depending on their size, breeds may have higher or lower caloric requirements. Smaller dogs, like Chihuahuas, tend to need fewer calories per pound of bodyweight than larger dogs like Great Danes. High-energy breeds tend to have a greater caloric requirement than couch potatoes. To understand what type of diet your pup needs and get answers about any nutrition questions you might have, talk with your veterinarian.


Tips for Treats

It can be hard to resist offering your dog a treat. With all that begging, they’re irresistible! But it’s best to skip treats when possible, as many dogs have different nutritional needs than people do. So if you’re trying to keep them at a healthy weight or manage their health issues, treats aren’t necessarily a good idea. Dog nutrition varies widely depending on age and activity level. Talk with your vet about what’s best for your pup before handing out those tasty morsels.


Protein Sources

There are a lot of great protein sources for dogs, but meat is not always ideal. For example, even though chicken and beef are both good for dogs in their natural state, cooked meats can be dangerous because of their increased risk of bacteria. When looking at protein sources for your dog, you should stick with dry meats—specifically ones that don’t have any preservatives or artificial colors. Canned meats are also a great choice because they tend to be better than raw foods (no chance of harmful bacteria), but they can still be high in sodium. If you choose canned food over dry, look for one that doesn’t contain too much extra juice as it has a higher salt content.


Carbs, Fats, and Fiber

If you’re wondering whether your dog should be eating a low-carb, high-protein diet, you’ve come to the right place. The number of carbs, fat, and fiber in dog food will largely depend on whether it is a portion of canned or dry food. High-fiber diets are perfect for dogs with allergies or sensitive stomachs because fiber has been shown to alleviate these issues. Plus, fiber can help regulate blood sugar levels as well control cholesterol and keep diabetes at bay. For added bonus: dogs that eat more fiber tend to have cleaner teeth and healthier gums!



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