Splash pads can be great fun for your dog, but you should always keep in mind that not all splash pads are created equal. Some splash pads will allow your dog to swim and play in the water. While others will leave them with nothing more than a nice. Refreshing face-washing – and we all know what happens when dogs get their faces wet! So how do you tell the difference between the two? Here’s everything you need to know about splash pads and dogs – including some fun (and safe!) options you can try out at home.


What is a Splash Pad?

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Dog owners, if you haven’t noticed, dogs love to play. Especially in places where they can run around and play fetch. And it’s not just dogs who need an outlet for their natural excess energy. It’s also dogs who live in apartments or other tight spaces that don’t have enough room for Fido to run around freely. If you want your dog to be able to run around without disturbing your neighbors, then it might be time for you to invest in a splash pad for dogs! Before making any big purchase. However, there are some things that every dog owner needs to know about splash pads first.


Why Splash Pads are Important

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You can’t just take your dog for a walk in every neighborhood these days without coming across one of those splash pads for dogs that are popping up all over. They’re great for cooling off on hot summer days, but they also provide owners with an opportunity to teach their dogs some fun new tricks.

Keeping your dog cool during summer is essential. The best way to keep them cool? Splash pads! They’re great ways for dogs of all ages and sizes to cool off, but many people are unaware of just how important splash pads can be for their furry friends. If you have a dog, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with everything there is about splash pads so that you can take advantage of all they have to offer. Dogs love a good dip in the water, after all—and with so many benefits associated with splash pads, who wouldn’t want one?


Why Should You Have One

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Before dogs can enjoy a splash pad, there are a few things you should know.

Splash pads have these main purposes

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They help keep dogs cool in hot weather and provide them with an opportunity to play safely in water without needing too much space. Dogs usually don’t need much encouragement when it comes to jumping into the cool water, but because you should keep your dog on a leash or under close supervision, splash pads are an ideal way for dogs to play together. The biggest benefit of splash pads is how easy they are for owners—you just open your back door, give your dog an opportunity to stretch his legs, and start splashing away! Most dogs love getting wet so chances are he won’t need much coaching once he hits the pad.


Types of Dog Splash Pads

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There are three main types of dog splash pads: doggy pools, water bottles, and above-ground pools. You can find doggy pools at most pet stores. They are designed for small dogs that weigh less than 20 pounds. The surface area is usually around four square feet. It is important to take note of how deep it is because you don’t want your dog accidentally swimming in 6 feet or more of water!

If you have a larger dog, then an above-ground pool could be a good option for you. These pools come in multiple sizes but they range from 8 feet all the way up to 25 feet long! This gives your pup plenty of room to play while cooling off on a hot summer day. Lastly, there are water bottles that use pumps and sprinklers that spray streams of water up into the air. These come in many different styles and shapes so take some time shopping around until you find one that fits with your budget!


Choosing a Splash Pad For Dogs

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If you have a large dog, you know how difficult it can be to find a reliable splash pad for dogs. There are three main things you should keep in mind when looking for a splash pad that your pup will love: size, durability and drainage. Splash pads that are too small or built with poor materials tend to leak, which can damage your home’s floors and carpets. The best splash pads for dogs have drain holes at all four corners and an accompanying mat underneath – if not waterproof material at least material that isn’t going to soak up water like a sponge. You’ll also want to make sure that your splash pad is big enough for Fido; we recommend choosing a splash pad of about 70 sq ft. This amount of space allows most pups ample room to play and cool off without accidentally running into walls or furniture.

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