Dognapping is an increasingly common problem in the US. But, what is it and how do you prevent it? Dognapping is when a thief steals a dog from a neighbor’s front yard or from an area with a lot of people around. It can happen anytime, anywhere, to any dog. The thief will then sell the dog to be used as bait or breeding stock and make money off the sale. There are many ways to protect your dog from being stolen. Here are some tips that may be helpful for you if you’re worried about your pet’s safety.

What is Dognapping?


Dognapping is when a thief steals a dog from a neighbor’s front yard. Or an area with a lot of people around. The thief will sell the dog to be used as bait or breeding stock and make money off the sale.

According to Pets4Homes, there are many factors that increase your pet’s risk of being stolen. In fact, 50% of dogs that were stolen in 2016 were outside unattended for more than 10 minutes.

How do you prevent your dog from being stolen?


First, you should take your dog to the vet and get them checked out for a microchip. This is a computer chip that your dog has implanted under their skin that will help locate them if they are lost or stolen. If your pet does not have one, you can go to the vet and ask for a free microchip.

Next, make sure you have up-to-date identification on your pet in case something happens to it. Make sure you register your pet with a national database such as the Pet Identification System (PIS) or National Animal Database (NADB). These systems keep an updated registry of all dogs and cats in the US.

Registering your pet with these databases also makes it easy for law enforcement officials to find them if they’re missing or stolen. It’s also important that you register online so that someone else doesn’t steal your dog before the registration period is over.

If possible, don’t let your dog roam outside without supervision and always leash them when they’re on walks or at home. It’s important to keep track of where they are at all times because this could save their life later on down the line. You should also be very careful when bringing a new puppy into your home because some thieves may not know that it belongs to you yet. Which means they could steal it from right under your nose!

The thief’s tricks


There are a few ways that the thief will go about their dognapping. Most typically, they will steal your dog while you’re away and then bring it back to their house. They might also use your pet as bait to lure other dogs away from their homes. The thief may also be waiting outside of your home for someone to walk by with a dog so that they can snatch them up.

The thief may also try to trick people and get them to leave their dog in the care of the stranger. This includes leaving a bowl of food outside or taking care of your pet for an hour (or less) while you’re away. The thief will then take your pet back to their home where they’ll sell it off, use it as bait, or breed it.

Always be sure to watch over your dog when you’re not around and let all family members know not to let anyone else have access to your dog without permission.

Should I pay for a service to monitor my home?

If you are worried about your pet’s safety. Then it may be wise for you to invest in a service that monitors your home. This way you know where your dog is at all times. And can easily call the police if anything seems suspicious. If a thief does steal your pet from the monitored area. They will be captured and arrested.

Can I get insurance to cover my pet in case they’re stolen?

There are many insurance companies that offer pet insurance. If you have a large dog. These plans may be more cost-effective for your family. They can also pay to replace your pet if they’re stolen and you don’t get them back. 


With so many dogs now being brought into homes as a companion. It’s important to know how to prevent your dog from being stolen.

First, understand what dognapping is, and why it happens. A dognapper typically works by luring a dog outside with treats. Then grabbing them and running before the owner can get to them.

Next, consider whether you need to pay for a service that monitors your home.

And lastly, think about whether you should get insurance to cover your pet in case they are stolen.



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