All dogs love to play catch with their owners, and honestly, anyone else who is willing to spend a few minutes throwing a ball to them. While you can use a basic ball to play catch with your dog, there are a few other items available for you to use. So, if you have been wanting to add a little twist to this all-time favorite game, take a look at the Dog products we have recently discovered!

Playing Catch with Your Dog? Check Out These 9 Incredible Dog Products!

1 The Fetch Stick

You can use a basic stick from your yard to play catch with your dog. However, that can result in the stick-breaking apart in your dog’s mouth and causing damage. If your dog loves to catch sticks, we recommend you purchase the Fetch Stick. This stick is made from non-toxic rubber that is soft. It is easy to throw farther distances and it even bounces for more playing fun. You can also use this Fetch Stick in the water because it floats. The best part about this toy is you can wash it at any time, so it is always ready for your next game of catch. 

2 Bull Fit Floating Firehose Fetch and Tug Toy

Not all dog products are multipurpose, but this one is! If your dog loves to play catch and tug of war, you may want to consider purchasing the Bull Fit Firehose Fetch and Tug Toy. This durable toy is made from non-toxic materials. The bright colors are easy for dogs to see, and you will love the handle you can use when throwing it or holding it for tug of war. This toy can also float, which makes it perfect for those times when you are down by the water. 

dogs products

3 Chuckit! Ring Chaser Dog Toy

Not every dog likes to jump into the air to catch whatever you are throwing to them. If you have one of those dogs, we recommend purchasing a toy like the Chuckit! Ring Chaser. This ring toy will bounce along the ground, while also rolling to create a fun experience for your dog. You will love how this ring also floats in the water, because that means you can bring it when you are visiting the beach or the lake one day. 

4 Planet Dog Orbee Ball with Rope

The Planet Dog Orbee Ball with Rope comes in two sizes, so you can easily choose the size that is best for your dog. This earth-friendly toy now has a rope attached to it, which makes it easier for you to throw. You can even use this toy for games of tug of war. We love using this dog toy for playing fetch in the water, because it floats and is easy to see. 

5 JW Whirlwheel Flying Disk

If you have a dog that loves jumping while they are playing fetch, you must get them the JW Whirlwheel Flying Disk. This toy is made from soft rubber that is easy to clean, which is what sets it apart from regular frisbees. Your dog will love the squeaky center. We don’t recommend this toy for smaller dogs, due to the size. It is also best not to use this toy near the water, because it has a tendency to sink to the bottom. 

the dogs products

6 Chuckit! Pro Launcher

If you have been searching for the most classic catch toy for your dog, as well as the best, we recommend the Chuckit! Pro Launcher. You can use the launcher to throw the ball far. The best part is you never need to bend over, or touch the slimy ball, before tossing it again, because you can simply scoop it up with the launcher. There are multiple sizes of the Chuckit! Pro Launcher available, so you can easily choose the size that is best for your dog. 

7 Chuckit! Breathe Right Fetch Ball

Regular balls can obstruct your dog’s airway, as they are running around. The Chuckit! Breathe Right Fetch Ball is designed to keep air moving through the ball, so your dog can breathe better as they run and jump. This ball cannot go as far as other balls when thrown, thanks to the design. However, it is an excellent option if you have noticed your dog has been struggling to breathe while playing catch or if your dog loves to carry multiple balls in their mouth at once. If anything, this toy will give you peace of mind in knowing you are doing everything to keep your dog safe. 

8 West Paw Jive Zogoflex Ball

The West Paw Jive Zogoflex Ball is heavy duty, so it can stand up to anything your dog brings its way! The shape of this toy makes it unpredictable when bouncing, which can be a good thing if you really want to wear your dog out quickly. We love how you can throw this toy in the dishwasher to clean. You will find this toy in three different sizes, so you can choose the most appropriate one for your dog. 

a dogs products

9 West Paw Zogoflex Tizzi Interactive Toy

The West Paw Zogoflex Tizzi Interactive Toy is a game changer when it comes to playing catch with your dog! The legs can be twisted, so you can toss this toy further. There is also a hidden treat compartment, which will have your dog figuring out how to open it every time you place a treat inside. It is not recommended to leave your dog alone with this toy, because it will not stand up to vigorous chewing. 

These nine incredible products will change the way you play catch with your dog! Instead of using boring tennis balls, you can add some excitement to your time outdoors. Many of these options are safe to use when near the water, so you will not need to be without your favorite toys when you are away from home and by the water one day. 

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